Outdoor Weddings

We may not be able to enjoy weddings this summer in the way that we’re used to, but that doesn’t stop us swooning over what might have been!  One of the things that wedding venues nationwide have been exploring is the concept of the “outdoor wedding”.

With government guidelines advising couples that are still planning on getting married this year to keep guest numbers at the ceremony to a maximum of thirty people, some industry experts are suggesting that outdoor weddings (weather permitting!) could be a way to make the whole experience more safe.  

Some of you that have been keeping up with our progress at The Wedding Barn will have seen our wonderful new courtyard.  While we still have a bit of work to do here - we need to put up a pergola, the remainder of the trellis, finish off the central floor design and plant up the flower beds with a gorgeous array of roses, lavender, box hedging, you get the picture - we are SO PLEASED with how it’s looking so far.  The plan is that when it’s all finished, couples will be able to get married outside in this pretty little space, and it will also double up as a fabulous place for evening drinks, all lit up with twinkling lights.  

If you, or anyone you know, is planning the ultimate English wedding in a magical setting then do get in touch and we would be delighted to show you around!


Q & A with Tasha Vass Floristry


ABWB Founding Member